To use or not to use… an app….that is the decision…It’s one that many of us arrive at with tremendous conviction backed by an equally tremendous lack of meaningful information, often in the form of some cleverly wordsmithed Tweet or social media post that most of us could do little more than meaninglessly parrot if […]
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The GameStop spike could be described as a complex lottery of big winners, and big losers. To some, the unforeseeable yet recurring turn of events was empowering. However, for most the stock market became even more daunting and seemingly unpredictable. Though some rejoice when the topic of investing eases its way into conversation, many more […]
Read MoreWhat is the secret to happiness? Everyone has heard this tired and tried cliche time and time again, but that question wouldn’t be so common if we had an answer. Happiness is subjective, so there isn’t exactly a formula we can use to help make people happier. We do however, have statistics detailing which countries, […]
Read MoreWe have all heard the phrase “Change is the only constant,” however, the idea of “embracing change” has not quite been embraced. Now more than ever, change is arriving at a rapid pace in terms of advancing technology and environmental policies. As these things start to affect our daily lives, people will be more or […]
Read MoreWith students already having a lot on their plate with college applications, not to mention the stress that comes along with it, covid-19 has further added to the burden on students’ shoulders. With testing centers rapidly cancelling tests during these unprecedented times, most universities were forced to amend their college requirements by either going test-optional, […]
Read MorePlanning your future is not easy. It takes years of discovering your skills and what you enjoy. Some interests are discovered at a very young age, from when you put on that superhero costume for Halloween, or when you assemble a drone Christmas morning, eager to play with it. What does this teach you about […]
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