original 2018

Education Programs Out There
Looking for an opportunity to extend those Lego and Minecraft skills, and maybe travel and get paid to work in architecture firms around the world?As an undergraduate? Check out the Architecture Program at the University of Waterloo!

Ways to Finance Them
Old School still rules! Table the Twitter (at least momentarily) and sharpen your wits (and possibly your pencil) to win a cool $10,000! The annual Friends of Canadian Broadcasting Essay Contest is open to all citizens and pr’s of Canada

Unheard of Opportunities
Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants of service opportunities! The perfect fit for anyone, anywhere, at any age, anytime. Let supercool Jane Goodall guide your own initiative or join another project near or far. Your impact, your choice — because “every individual makes a difference.” Dr. Jane Goodall

Sharing Don’t Drop the Ball!
We use this email to EXTEND OUR REACH to parents and students to COLLECT AND CURATE YOUR SUGGESTIONS for programs so that we can offer FREE, EASY-TO-BROWSE RESOURCES and EXCEPTIONAL ,TAILORED SUPPORT SERVICES on request.