Cullen College, University of Houston

Program Length: 3-5 semesters.
(Also developing a professional 3 course certification)

Location: Houston, Texas

Admissions Req: BSc with background in engineering, architecture, human factors, or industrial design

Highlight: Only program like it in the world. In addition to designing for Space, SICSA (Sasikawa Int’l Center for Space Architecture) is about designing habitats for extreme environments — polar research stations, offshore surface and underwater facilities– as well as for military and emergency disaster response. Discuss launching capabilities, design of lunar, Mars, and space transportation habitats, and resupply logistics for space stations! Talk shop with NASA and Boeing design engineers, life scientists and astronauts. Real-world projects include work for the nearby-Houston Spaceport and work on a crew space transit vehicle to potentially be used for travel from Earth to Mars! Quite literally out of this world cool!

Cost: Varies but very small program
internal scholarships, bursaries and fellowships available

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