University of Waterloo

Program Length: 4 years

Location: Waterloo, Ontario

Admissions Req: High School Graduate. Complete application process and be granted admissions to University of Waterloo.

Highlight: Explore why conflict and violence occurs, and how it can be transformed by “collaborative decision-making” to accomplish constructive ends. Think of Peace and Conflict Studies as an Arts program with a large experiential component that most definitely has current and relevant real world applications giving you skill sets that never become outdated!  Lots of program options as well: can be taken as a 4-year Honours, 4-year or 3-year general major, or even as a minor. It can also be combined with another discipline in for a joint major. Internships abound. Plenty of ways to integrate  with the  Waterloo co-op program as well 🙂

In a world where employable opportunities are seemingly dominated by STEM fields, Peace and Conflict studies is a solid alternative: an Arts degree program that can change the world!

Cost: $10,000CAD/yr (Canadian students– tuition and books)
$33,500CAD/yr (International students–tuition and books)

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