Ontario Tech University (UOIT)

Program Length: 4 years for  Manufacturing Engineering BSc  or 5 years combined Manufacturing Engineering and Business Management BSc

Location: Oshawa, Ontario

Admissions Req: Manufacturing Engineering program candidates are HS grads w/6 academic stream credits including a minimum University English. Math, Physics and Chemistry courses are required as well with a combined minimum average of 70% and no single grade below 60%. Minimum qualifications are guidelines and do not guarantee acceptance to the manufacturing engineering program.

Highlight:  This manufacturing engineering program is the only program of its kind in Canada. It falls under the more general umbrella of mechanical engineering but is specifically geared toward designing and understanding machines, automation, robotics and processes as they specifically apply to industry and production. If jobs like manufacturing system or facility design, operations analysis and management, product design and development, or systems engineering and integration possibly pique your interest, then check out this  manufacturing engineering program! Students have access to state of the art facilities and innovative labs including: climatic wind tunnel, clean energy research lab, nuclear science research centre, manufacturing and control systems lab, and a rapid prototyping lab. Shorter 3-4 month paid co-op manufacturing engineering work placements as well as longer term 12-16 month internships are optional and always encouraged,  and there is Co-Op support staff for clear information and guidance on getting involved. First year housing and study support is offered through the GEAR program and they even have an independent group (Women in Engineering) devoted entirely to connecting women in all of the engineering programs,  encouraging women to check out manufacturing engineering… and making manufacturing engineering a very productive program indeed…

Cost: Canadian Students: @$9,400CAD/yr                                                                                       Int’l Students: @$30,000 CAD/yr

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