Audencia Business School

Program Length: Various business programs range from a little over a year to 4 years

Location: Audencia Business School in France ( Paris, Nantes) plus one location in China. Online programs also available.

Admissions Req: Requirements vary depending on the business program.

Highlight: If you have an interest in studying abroad and in business, Audencia Business School should be a strong contender for university programs to look at! They offer a wide range of unique and comprehensive business programs for students. With campuses in the heart of France and China and a variety of universities to do exchange programs with, you can see the world and explore different cultures and customs. Audencia has over 175 corporate partners and offers 91,000 internships. Don’t be worried about the language barrier as the majority of the business programs are taught in English. One of the more obscure and targeted business programs is a master’s in cognac spirits and wine management . Some of their most interesting and useful business programs include a bachelor’s in big data and management, supply chain management, and a master’s in international management. The business programs that are offered prepare students in all aspects of business, ranging from finance concepts to corporate social responsibility. By the time you graduate, you will have had internships with different companies and a wide network with many connections. The costs and the time frame of these business programs can vary a bit but Bachelors programs generally run about €12,000. If you feel worried about the cost, Audencia Business School offers many scholarships to help you along the way. Apply now to the business programs of your choice and gain valuable experience and knowledge!

Cost: May vary slightly across programs but generally a 4 year bachelors program cost  €12,000/ year.

Financial Aid: There is a Diversity funding scholarship, for 50% of the tuition fee, available for qualified applicants in qualifying countries

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