Program Length: Full Time (1 Year), 3 Semesters from Sept through June

Location: Toronto, ON

Admissions ReqMedia-related degree or 2-3 year  diploma; or 2 years verifiable industry experience

Highlight:  Thinking you might like working somewhere in film or television? Looking for a program that can give you technical and practical exposure to absolutely all of the roles around current industry standard television and film production? Then take a look at the Sheridan College Advanced Television and Film. It offers an excellent opportunity for students to understand elements and relevance of pre and post production, as well as, the nitty gritty of everything that needs to go on when the camera is actually rolling.  Work with professional equipment. Learn that 2nd AC (Assistant Camera) has nothing to do with getting the 1st AC coffee!  Whether you’re looking to further your education or career potential in specialties of directing, producing, camera, editing, or screenwriting, you will get a good basic understanding of the roles and expectations of each discipline. After 3 semesters of courses in the program, you’ll have a solid knowledge base of professional practices. In addition, you will have also built some familiarity some film festivals and contests and with finding and submitting your finished films to more of them. This program is intensive and is intended to help students who are looking to upgrade their artistic, interpersonal, and technical skill sets get a glimpse at how the production and professional pieces need to fit into the artistic process. Check out Sheridan Advanced Television and Film for some “reel” understanding and experience! 

Cost: Canadian students –$14,669; International$30,862 . Additional spending of between $1,000 and $5,000 may apply depending on costs associated with the films you make. 

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