Indigenous Clean Energy (ICE)

Program Length: 6 weeks

Location: UC Davis campus

Admissions Req: Students between the ages of 16-18 from anywhere around the world!

Admissions Deadline: Beginning of March

Highlight: One thing that the world needs is our youth. The world, as we know it, will change to become a totally different reality, and it is up to our youth to create a world that is amazing for the following generations. That is where the UC Davis Young Scholars Program comes into play. At this youth summer program, students will learn about how to do original research and use the world around them to come up with strategies and drive solutions that will be this change. The lucky 40 students that are chosen to participate in this youth summer program will work one-on-one with research faculty and research groups in state-of-the-art laboratories for six weeks, typically from mid-June to late July. Each student will work on an individual project and prepare a journal-quality paper and symposium presentation about their work. Along with all the hard work the students will be doing in this youth summer program (that will earn students college credit, FYI!), there will also be more low-key but still super-cool field trips. Interested in the deets? Students must be at least 16 but under 18 years old by the end of the youth summer program. Applications open in mid-January for the summer that is coming up and applications are typically due by the end of March. The cost of this youth summer program is $6,500, and that is for the five university credits that can be earned, room and board, and the activities that will take place in the program. Financial aid is provided to students who have demonstrated need, and the form for financial aid could be found here. So if research is your jam, apply while you can and set yourself up for making an impact on the future of your land.

Cost: $6500, (but there is generous financial aid available) plus a fully refundable $200 security deposit. This covers the fee of room and board for six weeks, field trips, program activities, and five (5) units of university Group Study credit.


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