MCW GLOBAL (Miracle Corners of the World)

Program Length:12 months

Location: Virtual. May or may not shift to offline after COVID restrictions die down

Admissions Req: Must be between the ages of 18-26 at the start of the program
Submit a Resume and Two letters of recommendation

Admissions Deadline: Early March

Highlight: Injustice and discrimination has plagued our world as far back as history of society can take us. Yet, it is the undeterred spirit of leaders across the world who stand up and take the helm of leading their communities to a better future. The Young Leaders Fellowship is a year-long and free leadership course that trains young leaders to combat their community’s issues in the areas of education, health and economic security. This leadership course is a virtual opportunity (temporarily due to COVID), open to students from ages 18-26 from anywhere in the world. To apply for this leadership course, you need to have an idea for a project or a brief action plan that intends to bring about a positive change in your community in the areas of either education, health or economic security. In addition, for this leadership course, you will need to write an essay to two prompts mentioned in the application form, as well as, submit two letters of recommendation and a resume. During this leadership course, you will first assess the problems in your community, put them in context to global issues, and then formulate a complete action plan to tackle these issues. The application deadline for this leadership course is mid March so apply now! You can check out past alumni who have received funding for their action plans from the organizers of this leadership course, for inspiration! Have any questions regarding this leadership course? Email them at Finally, one stick can break easily but when an able leader ties multiple sticks with the thread of determination, it can become an unbreakable force.

Financial:Free to apply

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