Program Length: No more than 4 weeks with a single host (with travel VISA, if necessary); stays may be longer with a single host with a work VISA or permit.  In either case it is a flexible year ’round opportunity!

Locations across the world. (Each country has its own WWOOFing  website)

Admissions Req:
-Must be 19 years or older, or must be accompanied by a parent or guardian
-Have a basic simple understanding of the host’s language
-Some visitors to host countries may require a “Letter of invitation”. (WWOOFers (volunteers) with this requirement would have to ask a prospective WWOOF host(s) if they are willing to provide this letter on their behalf)
-Be responsible for obtaining any necessary visas and  health, accident, and liability Insurance to be covered while travelling.
-You MUST have a return ticket home.
-You must also sign up for a one year WWOOFing membership costing and average of $50USD annually (actual amount depending on the host country)

Highlight: Are you passionate about living sustainably and want to learn how to practically do this? Are you conscious of the importance of organic and sustainable farming and want to learn how to support this movement? Then WWOOFING aka WorldWide Opportunities on Organic Farms will take your passion and push you a step further to supporting and following the movement to a future in sustainability. This is a worldwide initiative in which each host country operates its own sign-up and hosting portal. Here are the links for Canada, the US, and other international countries. You could be part of a world organisation that gives you the opportunity to participate in a cultural exchange and gain practical skills in organic farming and gardening. You will spend up to 4 weeks with a host and further your understanding of the importance of sustainability through education about agro-ecological farming and newer ecological farming methods. Just to get a sense of how popular this is and how many farms there actually are — there are over 600 available agricultural environments across Canada and over 1500 available hosts in the US! It is said that the “greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it” so why not start saving the world today and sign up to start your WWOOFing journey!

Annual membership fee:
Single: $50.00 (approx. average USD cost)
Joint: $80.00 (approx. average USD cost)

Travel expenses & any other travel related expenses.


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