Program Length: 1 year long @ 2 hours per week

Location: Virtual

Admissions Requirement:
Be a student in high school, or a gifted student in middle school, who must also be able to complete the program prior to starting university.
Demonstrate exceptional mathematical ability.

Highly motivated and are interested in learning outside the formal school setting.
Can discuss complex mathematical and scientific ideas in English.
Have access to a computer with good internet connectivity.
Hhave the availability to commit to 2 hours per week for a year

Admissions Deadline: Mid April


The World Science Scholars program is a prestigious opportunity for high school students, like you, with exceptional mathematical abilities to engage in a year-long journey of learning and discovery. The program provides science scholars with a unique educational and social community for talented individuals from diverse communities worldwide. You can also view past scholars and see their accomplishments through the program and also their time as an alumnus here. The program’s cohorts last a year each with scholars spending nearly 2 hours a week on their tasks. These tasks range from rigorous coursework and self-paced college-level courses. Scholars have the opportunity to attend the World Science Festival in New York City, USA, or Brisbane, Australia. Further, science scholars can work with world-renowned experts, including Nobel Laureates, Breakthrough Prize winners, and science experts, to explore advanced mathematics and its applications to solve complex challenges. To be eligible to be a scholar, you must be in high school, be a gifted student in middle school, demonstrate exceptional mathematical ability, and more which can be found on the application page. The program also provides mentorship opportunities and informal college advice, creating a supportive network for students. So don’t wait as the application deadline is around the middle of April and decisions come out in June! Apply now to become a World Science Scholar!

Cost: None

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