Program Length:  flexible … join whenever you want and stay however long you like until the end of your high school years!

Location: From anywhere in the world

Admissions Req: For high school students anywhere  

Admissions Deadline: No application deadline… you can start or join a chapter whenever you’d like!

Highlight: Many students around the world seek to become ambassadors with the goal of  gaining hands on leadership experience in and around their area(s) of interest. Women in STEM gives chosen ambassadors the chance to actively develop leadership skills through forming clubs with peers around a shared interest in STEM. The Stem Club is the perfect ambassador program that can provide students (in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) an opportunity to start a chapter of a club in their school without any of the rigid or difficult requirements that often go along with being an ambassador and starting a chapter of a club! Once students apply and join the program, they will be provided with a CSP (Chapter Starter Kit) with information on getting their club up and running – getting your members, organizing meetings and activities, etc. This ambassador program is  ONLY for high school students, and students can apply and take part whenever they want at any point during  high school. Students can quickly get things going and can easily keep things going in their club because of this. To make things even more interesting, this STEM ambassador program is open to students from across the world!. So, what are you waiting for? If you want to flexibly strengthen your leadership skills in any area of STEM (with a bit of support) then look into joining the Women in Stem Club program today!



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