Program Length: organize and submit your written ideas by May 1st … judges invite groups to present /pitch their ideas at the summit at the end of the month

Location: Virtual

Admissions Req: Groups of 3-5 people are required for this innovation competition consisting of at least one adult

Admissions Deadline: May 1st

Highlight: The great Lao Tzu once said: “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” Today youth from all around the world are working hard changing the minds of people to make sure that our world is heading in the right direction. Do you want to be part of that world-changing movement? If so, the Global Emapathy Conference is the right one for you. This innovation competition will give you the chance to be heard and will help you develop your critical skills. Students will need to pitch an idea that will help solve an issue in your community or globally. You will have to be in a group of 3 to 5 people for this innovative competition and there must be an adult in your group. Anyone can be part of your group, it can be a family member, your teachers, and even your best friends! First, you will have to submit your written proposal to this innovation competition. If you are accepted you will be invited to pitch a 5-minute proposal talking about the issue and how you will put an end to this problem at the Global student summit. Students will have the option to either present it live or it can be pre-recorded. This innovation competition is open to everyone around the world, but make sure you register early because the early bird registration fee is $22 compared to the regular fee of $32.You can also find some great examples of previous pitch proposals for this innovation competition on their website, like A Friend in Deed, Self Defence workshops, and Empathy for a secured sunset. So what are you waiting for? Apply to this life-changing innovation competition! The three finalists will receive funding to make their plan into a reality, and everyone will receive a certificate. So, if you have an idea and a plan, why not take part in this innovative movement and help guide the world in the right direction?



$22 for early bird registration
$32 for regular registration


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