Program Length: 3 weeks

Location: USC- Los Angeles, CA

Admissions Requirement: There are actually quite a few….
• Complete online app
• Request counselor form
• 4.0 gpa weighted
• Enrolled in algebra II, trig, or above
• Financial need
• Taken AP/IB if offered
• Enrolled in high school within US or US territories

Admissions Deadline: Mid January

Highlight: Would you consider yourself a gifted high school student burning with the desire to get into a top US college? Are you curious about the intricacies of college life? Then get ready for the USC Bovard Scholars Program. This summer program aims to prepare participants for the complicated process of applying to college, by offering tools necessary for more effectively navigating and completing the application process. It will help participants navigate pathways for making college cheaper and more academically appealing and interesting. To apply to this summer program, you need to be a junior in high school, be actively enrolled in a high school curriculum within the U.S. or U.S. territories, demonstrate financial need, and have taken Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate courses, if offered. Academically, you should also currently hold a 4.0 weighted GPA or above, and be enrolled in Algebra II, Trigonometry or above. This summer program is completely free for accepted students, and is selective, which means that you will be surrounded by like-minded individuals during your time at USC Bovard. By being a part of this summer program, you will also get the chance to meet experts who will guide you through the application process to top-tier colleges, and connect with innovative companies like Jet Propulsion Lab, Children’s Hospital of LA, Fox Animation, USC Michelson Center for Convergent Bioscience, Disney, Hulu and more. The application process for this summer program is simple: just fill out the online application and request for a Counselor Evaluation Form from your school counselor, who will share your school transcript and academic achievements. Hurry up and apply to the USC Global Scholars Program now as applications close in mid-January. Scholars for this summer program will be notified in March, and the three-week summer intensive will take place from mid to late July. But the summer program doesn’t end there! In February, you will work with your Bovard Scholars Admissions Coach as you complete your college, financial aid and scholarship application. In Spring the next year, you will also be guided in the process of choosing the right college. The USC Bovard Scholars is much more than a summer program, and offers everything you need to find the college of your dreams

Cost: Free

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