Program Length: 8 weeks in the summer usually starting around the beginning of June

Location: University of California at San Francisco, CA

Admissions Requirements:

  • Must be enrolled in a San Francisco high school, San Francisco charter school, or College Track San Francisco
  • Must be a rising senior in high school
  • Must have some background related to science

Application Deadline: End of February

Do you have an interest in biomedical research and live in San Francisco? If so, the UCSF High School Intern Program is perfect for you. This biomedical research internship is open to rising seniors from SFUSD, SF charter schools, or College Track San Francisco. This eight-week paid summer internship is at UC San Francisco where you will be assigned to a professional scientist mentor. Each participant will be placed into either a part-time or full-time biomedical research position where you will have the opportunity to conduct biomedical research project research in areas that include diseases, neuroscience, molecular biology, immunology, cancer, stem cell research, and more.  The UCSF biomedical research internship will help you build skills in presenting, science communication, and networking. You will also have the opportunity to conduct project research and present your project at the end of the internship. For part-time biomedical research positions, interns will be expected to complete 25 hours per week and are paid $3,200 once they have completed the program. For a full-time biomedical research position, interns will be expected to work 35 hours per week and will be paid $4,500 upon their completion of the program…. College counseling will also be available. If this kind of biomedical research opportunity piques your interest, be sure to apply. This is an annual biomedical research program where applications are accepted through the end of February… so don’t miss your chance to participate!

Cost: None

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