Program Length: Launches May 6th, 2021
Location: Virtual
Admissions Req: All Canadian students that are in grades 6-8 or 9-12 are eligible to participate (in teams or independently) in this Cyber Safety program/ design challenge.
Highlight: Cyber Security is becoming more important as more hackers are on the rise. Your favourite celebrity, government, family member, or even yourself may have fallen victim to hacking, which is why the Cybersecurity field needs more creative and innovative minds and ideas to fight hackers! Are you interested in cybersecurity yourself? Well, why not sign up to involve yourself, test your understanding, and increase your knowledge with The Unhackathon , a free virtual cyber safety program offered to students of all ages. In this cybersafety program, participants will be given a design challenge based on cyber safety which they have to solve through research, thought, and creativity independently or with a team! Look at it as a great opportunity to showcase your problem-solving skills to other people and to yourself! Even better, this cyber safety program will be a great opportunity to expand your network, your knowledge base, and your resources for becoming unhackable! Register for this cyber safety program before May 6th, and learn to become your own personal bodyguard behind the screen!
Financial: Free