Program Length: TASP: The college-level seminars run from June to August [starting 2022]

TASS: June-August (6 weeks) [starting 2022]

Location: TASP: New York, USA and Michigan, USA, *location may vary annually*

TASS: New York, USA and Michigan, USA, *location may vary annually*

Admissions Req: TASP: High School juniors (rising seniors) around the world can participate in these college-level seminars.

TASS: High school sophomores (rising juniors) around the world can participate in these college-level seminars.

Highlight: Too often in our society, we let others think for us. At the Telluride Summer Programs, you will learn to see the world in a new light in the college-level seminars. Students at TASP or TASS will emerge from the college-level seminars with a greater ability to think critically and find the truths of the world they live in. If you have ever wanted to visit the United States and attend college-level seminars too, then look no further. The Telluride Association Programs and their college-level seminars are open to grade 10 and 11 students around the world for no cost at all! TASP is a free six-week educational experience for juniors that offers college-level seminars from key figures in fields such as DNA research, law, anthropology, and poetry. In addition to the college-level seminars, you also participate in awesome challenges and get rewards! TASS is an experience for sophomores that include six-week college-level seminars on topics related to critical Black and ethnic studies, such as Black rights, the Black Lives Matter movement, AfroAsian culture, and other politics. Both college-level seminars are completely free, including tuition, books, room and board, field trips, and facilities fees. You will enjoy writing workshops, field trips, and frequent cultural activities with a community of diverse students. To apply, just write a few essays about relevant topics!

Financial: The Telluride Association programs TASP and TASS are free for both U.S based and international students.


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