Program Length: About 5-6 months – From July 3rd, 2021 – December 2021
Location: Part 1 and 3: Online Part 2: In person
Admissions Req: Must be at least 16 years old and a sophomore or junior in high school to apply for this STEM program. Students under-represented in STEM (defined in this instance as African American, Hispanic/Latino,or Native American) are encouraged to apply!
Highlight: Calling all future scientists, engineers, and doctors! Carnegie Mellon University has a completely FREE Summer Academy for Math and Science (SAMS) STEM program directed entirely to sophomore and junior high school students! Are you looking for ways to earn college credit, and gain some insight into a possible profession in the field of STEM? The SAMS STEM Program is an interactive three part program: the first part of the STEM program is spent learning online for 5 weeks, the second part consists of one week on Carnegie Mellon’s campus participating in conferences and workshops, and the third part runs from August to December to provide students with academic support and help from advisors online. Apply to the SAMS STEM program at Carnegie Mellon University to pursue your future within the academic field and gain valuable experience!
Financial: Free