Program Length: 32 hours per week for 12 weeks

Location: San Diego Zoo… San Diego, CA

Admissions Requirement: 
• must be over 18 years old and submit a personal statement along with your application

Admissions Deadline: End of February

Highlight: Are you wild about wildlife? The San Diego Zoo’s Zoology internship Program offers a vast range of internship and volunteer opportunities in various departments, to get you acquainted with the professional world of wildlife and horticulture. Interns, along with hands-on-experience on the field, will participate in educational days covering topics such as wildlife welfare, animal nutrition and more during the Zoology Internship Program! Interns will also receive a $4,500 stipend in 3 installments for work done over the internship period. Applications for this Zoology Internship Program require a personal statement and are open to submission starting in Mid February. The applications close late February so apply now! Along with internships, research fellowships and volunteer positions are also open. Undergrad students associated with a college or university are eligible to apply for the research fellowships offered by this Zoology Internship Program which extends weekly hours to 40 fpr the same 12 week period. While the volunteering program is meant to be long term, anyone above the age of 18 can apply for this Zoology Internship Program. Volunteers show visitors around the zoo and manage other tasks. In addition, the Zoo InternQuest is another program offered by this Zoology Internship Program, that provides high school students interested in pursuing careers in the life sciences (biology, zoology, human or veterinary medicine, wildlife management, botany, etc.) with the opportunity to learn from Zoo experts. Virtual InternQuest allows individual students or whole classrooms anywhere in the world to participate in Zoo InternQuest online, an opportunity to document discoveries as well as learn about specialized careers in wildlife conservation management. For more information shoot them an email at So what are you waiting for? This could be your purrrrrr-fect time to go wild!

Cost: free, with a stipend of $4,500

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