Program Length:  6 weeks in summer

Location: MIT

Admissions Req:
• Typically grade 11 students but younger students may apply
• Have a passion for science/technology/science/math
• Submit 5 personal statements:

1. Articulate why the research fields chosen on the previous page are intriguing and exciting to you. For each sub-field, state what you perceive as the one or two most interesting questions or problems in this area.  Explain why these sorts of questions interest you.
2. What are your long-range goals?
3. What activities and/or hobbies demonstrate your leadership, creativity and uniqueness?
4. Describe your participation in extracurricular or community outreach activities?
5. How did you hear about RSI? What aspects most appeal to you? Why did you apply?

• It’s recommended to submit your PSAT, SAT, ACT, TOEFL, SAT subject test, AP, or MAA scores
• Submit 2-3 recommendation letters

Application Deadline: December 13th

Highlight: Do you have an interest in conducting individual research with some of the most world renowned professors in the world? Then the Research Science Institute (RSI) summer research program could be right for you! The RSI is an intensive 6 week research program offered to 80 students around the world to engage in a research internship with experienced mentors, scientists, and more. This research program is held annually at MIT and is free if you’re accepted. In order to apply to the RSI, American students are required to pay a $65 application fee and international students $30. This research program is for grade 11 students but younger students may apply if they have permission from the CEE (Center for Excellence in Education – the actual sponsor of this internship). The recommended scores to apply include a 740+ score on the math section and 700+ on the reading and writing section of the PSAT or an ACT math score of 33 and verbal score of 34. However, don’t let these recommendations stop you from applying to this research program! Lower test scores can be offset by strong indicators of mathematical, scientific, and academic potential through recommendations, high school grades, and science activities. The first week of this research program is a week of STEM classes with well known professors, then five weeks of research by completing the whole research cycle from start to finish, and the final week is a week of written and oral presentations. The RSI’s research program features lectures from world renowned scientists, full access to all the equipment at MIT, and the opportunity to gain new skills to help you succeed later in life. In addition, a majority of past students who participated in RSI were accepted to some of the best STEM universities in the world such as MIT, Stanford, and Harvard. So, if this impressive research program catches your eye, then don’t waste your time thinking it’s out of your reach, and start preparing your application in time for the deadlines (mid December for US students and international students)!

Financial:  The program is free but there are application fees of $65 for US students and $30 for international students

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