Program Length: 6 weeks over the fall or spring or summer for this art program.

Location: Both Online + onsite (San Francisco, CA)  programs are available

Admissions Req:

  • Be enrolled in high school for the duration of the art program.
  • A basic understanding of English.
  • Parent/guardian awareness and consent
  • International students are welcome to participate online at this art program

Highlight:  Are you an aspiring Van Gogh, or Da Vinci? Or perhaps you aspire to be the next greatest illustrator or graphic designer? Well the Academy of Art University’s Pre-College Art Experience program is perfect for you as its range of available courses gives you the opportunity to explore many areas of art. From photography to interior architecture and design, to game development, VFX, and Fashion, this 6 week tuition free art program allows you  to jump-start your art and design education while potentially earning tuition money that can be applied your college degree. Offered in the summer as well as in both the fall and spring semesters, this art program not only provides a great opportunity to explore fantastic topic areas, but also awards you an extra $1,000 (with each passed course) toward your undergraduate art studies should you choose to continue at Academy of Art University (up to a maximum of $4,000). Not only that, during the summer, students in this art program have the opportunity to live on-campus at the Academy of Art University ….in San Francisco! In this art program, students can get a glimpse of college life and meet other aspiring artists all while exploring a variety of fields within the industry. It is said that “every artist starts off as an amateur” so indulge your interests. Apply today and get a glimpse into how your artistic potential can fit into your future!

Financial:   Free… this is a scholarship program, so there is an associated cost — the cost is just absorbed by the university.

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