Program Length: Peace Corps Volunteer – 2 years, plus 3 months of training

Location: One of the 60 host countries of Peace Corps Volunteering Program

Admissions Req: Applicants of this volunteering program must be of 18 years of age and a US resident

Highlight: “Peace begins with a smile” – Mother Teresa. You don’t need to be strong or rich, to be a hero, all that you need is a will to help others. The Peace Corps volunteering program allows the common citizen to rise up as heroes in their communities and volunteer to various causes, namely; Agriculture, Environment, Community Economic Development, Health, Youth in Development and Education. This volunteering program set up by executive order by President John F. Kennedy in 1961, offers two types of volunteering positions; one is the Peace Corps Volunteer and the other is Peace Corps Response. The applicants of both the types must be at least 18 years of age and be an American citizen. The Peace Corps Volunteer doesn’t require any qualifications that are compulsory, however the second type; Peace Corps Response, requires candidates to be specialized professionals in their fields. The duration for the first type of this volunteering program is around 2 years after a 3-month period training. Accepted applicants of this volunteering program will be departed to one of the 60 host countries, where their living expenses will be fully paid by the Peace Corps organization. During the training period, of which the details are listed here, volunteers will learn essential skills which give alumni of this volunteering program an edge in job interviews. In addition to useful life skills, volunteers also receive many other benefits as linked here. You can connect to a recruiter here and then apply for either the Peace Corps Volunteer or Peace Corps Response. Still unsure? Check out daily blog posts of volunteers and clear any of your questions through their FAQ page! So what are you waiting for? Apply now to this volunteering program and bring out the hero in you!

Financial: Free

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