Program Length: Summer program and Academic Year program depending on the country and program.

Location: (All possible locations) Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, China, Taiwan, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Tajikistan, Belarus, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, and Turkey.

Admissions Req: Must be a US citizen at the time of application to this language program. There are more specific age eligibility requirements for the summer program and for the academic year program

Highlight: Salam! Nǐ hǎo! Merhaba! I just said hello to you in Persian, Mandarin, and Turkish! Ever wanted to learn a new language or join a cultural or language program? Here’s your chance. The National Security Language Program for Youth ( or just NSLI-Y) gives students like you the opportunity to travel to far off countries and immerse themselves in a culture and language program! While living with your host family you will receive rigorous language instruction via the language program and you will be allowed to participate in cultural activities. To be eligible for the language program, no previous language instruction is necessary! There is preference given to students who have never had an opportunity to study abroad, as well as to those who live in a US state or territory (or identify with a particular community) that is underrepresented in study abroad.  Check here to get comfortable  with the details of the selection processFeel free to come as you are to the language program! Did I mention that participants in the language program can participate at no cost? The language program covers the round trip cost, host family placement, meals, and linguistic education! 

Financial: The cost of this language program is completely FREE! The program fully covers the costs of visas, transportation, housing, food, tuition, and other academic activities.

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