Program Length: 3 days in March

Location: Orlando, FL

Admissions Requirement: 
• Middle and high school students in the US

• Enrolled in school/ org affiliated with a school to perform
• Full orchestra or string orchestra — but each group needs 16 members

Admissions Deadline: End of June

Highlight: Are you a highschool or middle school student that is part of an Orchestra and want to bring recognition and funding for your program. Well with the help of a teacher you can apply to participate in the National Orchestra Festival! The National Orchestra festival is a youth music competition that allows participants to gain performance experience, learn from prominent clinicians in the strings community, and have fun making music! This youth music competition costs $1,000 ( USD), but it is a worthy investment. This youth music competition not only allows you to have national recognition, but they also provide valuable written and recorded comments from expert adjudicators and a personalized post-performance clinic for your orchestra with a leading clinician. To apply for this youth music competition you can look here. The application requirements for this youth music competition can also be found here. Note that to apply you need to have at least a minimum of 16 students. For inspiration you can look at past winners and their performances here. Save these dates on your calendar for this youth music competition. If you have any questions and concerns you can contact them on Facebook and Instagram! This youth music competition takes place in Florida. So if I were you I would get my shades and my sheet music and get set to play!

Cost: $1000 USD

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