Program Length:  3 months+…Internships run year round

Location: ONLINE so you can join our team from wherever you are in the world! 

Admissions Req: Currently enrolled in high school: 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade. Shoot us a quick email at Attach a resume if you have one handy, but mostly just let us know why you’d like to explore becoming an intern with us!

Highlight: Hey, speaking of unique internship opportunities — at building-u, we are always looking for high school students to join our crew in a variety of roles.  We believe that in a world where everything about the lives of students is changing rapidly, you should have a chance to be involved in strategizing and decision-making in an organization that is dedicated to creating useful resources for your future. The organization is fundamentally focused on building a database of free and helpful resources for students in the form of opportunities, internships, scholarships, contests, and education programs for students ….. with a bit of a twist: the organization itself is structured around a set of high school teams (with slightly older team leads in some cases), each in an area that specifically responds to a need at building-U, and each set up to produce specific things that reach, resonate with, and inform high school students.

All of the teams are focused on practically addressing business problems that we have at building-U.

  • Resource R&D =>team of students who work in smaller sub-teams to research and write-up the programs we feature
  • Student Ambassadors =>team of students working on a combination team interview/ networking initiative which we have turned into a YouTube series called building-U: Behind the Business
  • Multi-media=> team of students that primarily works on videos editing primarily for the Behind the Business YouTube campaign, and also for events and other team initiatives that need video content
  • Marketing =>team of students that helps develop and implement our Google Ad campaigns and analyzes marketing data through Google Analytics
  • Blog Squad=> team of students focused on learning more about and building awareness of land based education and its importance to both Indigenous and non indigenous peoples for addressing all of the environmental, social, and economic challenges we face globally. They do this by writing articles (jointly) for our Blog (Down to U) and by hosting open discussion with invited expert guests that we turning into podcasts (Down to U Discussions)
  • Coding Team=> 1 team of students who learn about web and database development through exposure and work in the following languages and syntaxes: Laravel, PHP, React, Angular, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, WordPress, and SASS — and then work individually or in smaller teams to apply them appropriately to small and specific front end and back end projects within the 2 larger contexts of 1) a migration of the building-U website and 2) a redesign of our annual virtual game $4YT (Dollars 4 Your Thoughts)
  • Business and Development=> team of students that works on cultivating partnerships and organizing data around all teams’ current and projected initiatives to use in determining, developing, and diversifying funding streams that can align with our ethos
  • Social Media Content and Analytics=> small team of 2 leads expanding to add 2 students create digital content for social media platforms — Instagram, FB, LinkedIN, and Tik Tok; integrates with R&D, Marketing, and Business and Dev Teams
  • Animation=>team of university students and recent grads working on putting together a branding animation. Students created the story and the original storyboards. The team is currently working on animatics and welcomes interested high school students looking to build skills or learn!
  • Data Privacy=>team who is working with our privacy partner (Knowledgeflow) in order to better understand data privacy rights and responsibilities, make digesting them more user friendly, and to refine role permissions for team members and end users

Teams are made up of students from not only the US and Canada, but from all over the world!

Beyond specific team project skills, students build essential teamwork and communication skills, and are always invited to join in on other team meetings to contribute ideas to other projects —  building knowledge integration skills as well!

Check’em out and send an email to to join an info session to learn more!

Financial: FREE with high potential for self-directed growth!

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