Program Length: 25 hours broken into 10 @2.5 hour sessions

Location: Virtual but will be expanding to in-person locations soon.

Admissions Requirement:
• High school student (grade 9-12) from anywhere in the world

Admissions Deadline: June 30th

Highlight: Are you a current or rising high school student who’s interested in STEM, and wants to try learning it with the help of Stanford and MIT alumni? Well then the Inspirit AI virtual AI program is perfect for you! This AI program is open to everyone around the world thanks to their ability to host classes virtually, but they’re also opening up in-person locations soon as well. Students attending this AI program will meet for ten 2.5-hour sessions in which they’ll gain a deep understanding of AI concepts and be guided through the creation of their very own project. In addition, students will gain access to pre-college preparation workshops, learn about how knowing AI can affect their future careers, and more! This AI program currently offers both summer and fall courses at a variety of different times in order to make it accessible to as many people as possible. You might be wondering how their online classes work? Well, the Inspirit AI program has developed a platform in which students will be given access to quizzes, reading material, assignments, and additional projects for students to explore more. They also feature a 5:1 student-to-instructor ratio to ensure that everyone is receiving help during the classes. Though the cost of this AI program, $900, may seem a little high at first, InspiritAI provides financial aid to students who request it based on their needs. If you have any more questions about this AI program, feel free to contact the wonderful team who made it. So, if you’re ready to get a head start and jump into the world of STEM, get ready to think outside of the box, and check out how to apply today!

Cost: $900

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