Program Length: determined with your request for an internship
Location: Samso Energiakademiet, Denmark
Admissions Req: seem to be based on your request in conjunction with your capacity for independent work.
Highlight: Are you interested in visiting the lovely country of Denmark and participating in an environmental internship? Well the Energy Academy Internship allows students concerned about climate change to apply as interns. This environmental internship is customizable to the applicant and allows you to explore what you are interested in. What you will learn from this environmental internship includes solutions for climate change, how to adapt changes to the world, and how to live with nature instead of against it. The Energy Academy’s environmental internship assesses if you’re eligible for an internship based on their student questionnaire. Some of the questions you will answer include: what do you expect from the internship? how will you contribute to Energy Academy? why did you chose Energy Academy? why does Energy Academy fit your profile?, and what experience do you have with working independently? Although there are no specific details of a program listed, there are some great reviews from past participants. On the chance that you would like more details or have more questions about this environmental internship, you are able to contact the academy or even specific individuals through their contact page. So, if an exciting overseas opportunity to be part of a fully sustainable, negative carbon footprint community catches your eye, then start preparing your application today!
Financial: There may be costs associated with getting to/staying on the island but there does not appear to be any cost for the internship itself