Program Length: One year commitment with a minimum  of 100 volunteer hours per year usually in 2 shifts a month (October-April) and 3-4 shifts per month (May-September), but special projects may be arranged if approved.

Location: Wildlife clinic in Didsbury, Alberta

Admissions Req: Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older, be able to make a one year commitment and have reliable transportation (as there is no public transportation available to the centre).

Highlight:  If you’re over 18 and  looking for an opportunity to learn about (and get experience!) working with wildlife, the Alberta Conservation Authority can definitely help you out.  They rescue and rehabilitate injured and orphaned animals as well as answer calls providing information on wildlife injury and survival questions. In 2018 alone they treated 1066 wild animals and answered more than 4100 wildlife related calls! Volunteers receive training (in September) and have a minimum requirement of 100 volunteer hours/year. Their team is comprised of 6 full time staff, 3 part-time staff and then over 125 volunteers (which could include you!).. so they really do rely on their volunteers’ contributions! Volunteers can also work in less hands on areas of raising awareness and writing newsletters, though certainly they are always looking for Junior Wildlife Rehabilitation Assistants 🙂

Financial: $60 for the cost of the training manuals and membership for 1 year

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