Program Length: Duration of the school year
Location: There are 70 ACE program affiliates located in 37 states of the US, each with its own local board and mentorship team. Interested students simply reach out to their local affiliate sometime before the end of the school year to apply for the programs that begin in the fall.
Admissions Req: The ACE program is open to students in grades 9-12 living in any of the 37 states local to any of the 70 affiliates. There are statistics around the numbers of students participating in different demographics, and thee may be preference given to grade 12 students should spaces in a single location become scarce, but all student are eligible.
Highlight: Louis Khan once said “A great building must begin with the immeasurable, must go through measurable means when it is being designed, and in the end must be unmeasured”. Architecture is a large part of today’s world, and careers in fields such as architectural engineering are growing. This architectural mentor program, called the ACE Mentor program, is the perfect opportunity for budding architects to explore the field. Located in 37 states across the US, this architectural mentor program allows a design professional to guide a group of students through a mock design project. Some past projects have included building new schools, temporary housing for movie stars, or planning to bring the Olympics to a major city. This provides members of the architectural mentor program valuable hands-on experience. Designs may even be entered into a competition, where winners receive prizes up to $5,000! Becoming a part of this architectural mentor program also makes you eligible for numerous scholarships! This architectural mentor program is free and open to all high school students in the areas nearby program sites, with meetings every two weeks for two hours. The architectural mentor program lasts for 30 weeks during the school year. Any more questions? To attend in the fall, register the summer before, and start designing the immeasurable!
Financial: Free