Sponsoring Institution: Dubai Investments

Type: Investing Program and Competition

Eligibility: This investing competition is open to 13-18 year-olds around the world.

Application Deadline: Early November Registration deadline

Highlight: Leftover pocket change, save it for a brand new laptop or blow it on a chocolate chip cookie? The smart choice would be to save it, and that’s a good financial decision. The Young Investors finance contest helps students realize that finance doesn’t have to be a bunch of boring jargon! Applicants of this finance contest must be of 13 to 18 years of age at the time of application and is open to international students as well. Participants of this finance contest get to work in teams of 2 to 4 members and compete against other teams in investing strategy! The teams in this finance contest are given a scenario where they are to develop a creative strategy to achieve certain goals. Utilizing that strategy, they must analyze and invest their funds in hopes of gaining profits. Each team has a specific amount of time to develop their strategies. Finalists of this finance contest will present their strategy and idea to a panel of judges. Contestants of this financial contest do not require any prior knowledge and will be given all the resources required to win the contest. Winners of this financial contest will be awarded $2500, $1500 and $1000 for the first, runner-up and second runner up positions respectively as well as a 500$ best speaker award and an internship at Lallic Partners for the champions. Keep an eye open for updates posted on the events calendar! Still have questions regarding this finance contest? Check out their FAQ page or shoot them an email at So what are you waiting for? The application deadline for this finance contest is early November and will last for about a month. Apply now and rock out the financial advisory in you!

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