Sponsoring Institution: Various publishing houses

Type: Literary contests

Aged 18 or older
Open to any nationality

Application Deadline:
Depends on the contest… as does the prize money
first prize £2,000
second prize £1,000
third prize £500
plus 20 commended 

If you’re an aspiring writer, this is for you! The Yard Lab is a quarterly literary magazine focused on short stories and independent writers. This literary magazine is focused on fresh, inventive, and well crafted tales. Yard Lab has become the perfect place for aspiring writers looking to break into the industry.

One of the most notable aspects of Yard Lab Publishing Group is their wide range of contests that cater to different genres and styles. From poetry to short stories and novels, this literary magazine offers opportunities sponsored by other organizations for creatives of all kinds to submit their work and compete for recognition and prizes. These contests not only provide a chance for artists to gain exposure but also offer valuable feedback from experienced judges in the field.

Explore the wide range of poetry opportunities, with various deadlines depending on the specific program including Troubadour International Poetry Prize 2024. Don’t forget to check out their Amazon shop and Independent Book Sellers offering a curated list of literary genres, or submit your story for a chance to be featured on their website page.
If you are a writer who breathes life into their work, you can now take us on a wonderful journey!


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