Sponsoring Institution: Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania

Type: simulated investment competition

• High school students (14-18 years old) – team must be composed of students of the same highschool
• Home-schooled students working toward a G.E.D (or the equivalent) are also eligible
• The children of staff of the University of Pennsylvania are also eligible

Highlight:“The biggest risk of all is not taking one.” The Wharton Global High School Investment Competition is a free, online investment simulation for high school students of grades 9 to 12 and teachers. Participants of this investment competition work in teams of four to seven, guided by a teacher as their advisor. They learn about teamwork, communication, risk, diversification, company and industry analysis, and many other important aspects of investing. In this investment competition, participating teams examine a brief case study featuring a potential client and are tasked with working collaboratively to meet that client’s long-term investment goals as they try to win his or her business. Equipped with an approved stock list (a selection of domestic and international equities) and the Wharton Investment Simulator (WInS), which allows them to buy and sell stocks, students develop an investment strategy, analyze sectors and companies, and build a portfolio using $100,000 in virtual cash over the course of the 10 week program . Winners for this investment competition are selected on the strength and articulation of their team strategies, and not on the growth of their portfolios. This investment competition is for students at all levels and is meant to strengthen your investing concepts and put them into action. You can check out resources for students and advisors participating in this investment competition to prepare! Confused on what to do? You can check out the roles and responsibilities of both advisors and students here, as well as take a look at the rules of this investing competition. Still have questions? You can check out the FAQ page of this investment competition or contact them with your queries. So what are you waiting for? Registration opens early June, so talk to your advisor to get your team registered! Get ready to take a risk!

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