Sponsoring Institution: DuoTrope and Winning Writers

Type: Writing competition (specifically, hilarious poetry)

Eligibility: The poetry contest imposes no restriction on age of author. Authors from all countries eligible except Syria, Iran, North Korea, and Crimea (due to US government restrictions).

Application Deadline: April 1 2021

Highlight:“flobble bobble blop yim yam widdley woooo,” wrote David Taub, a winner of the Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest. English or gibberish, you may ask…. It’s gibberish! This poetry contest serves to reveal talented poets around the world – and celebrate their talent in comedy and humor. All you have to do is compose a 250 word poem, either in gibberish or english and submit it by the first of April to win this poetry contest. Anyone of any gender, ethnicity, religion, age, are allowed to apply to this poetry contest – minus people of North Korea, Syria, Iran, and Crimea due to US government regulations. Not only is the poetry contest free to enter, it also allocates grants ranging from $2,500 to $100 to a dozen participants. The results will be announced mid-August. Moreover, as an established contest with over 20 years of literary cred, the poetry contest offers a great network- building opportunity for all entrants, and some great exposure to winning poets by publishing their work.  Sooooo….Vheter it is en Gibberish or ingelish, zo noot miess owt on theze chonce to use ur krativety to wen mooneay en ze poatarry konteest.

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