Sponsoring Institution: Unigo

Type: Photo Submission


  • Must be a current US student who is:
    • Enrolled in a post secondary education for the following semester
    • Between 16-20 years old
    • Not related to any employee of the company ofc!

Application Deadline:

  • Applications are due at the end of October; it is unclear when applications open …
  • Decisions are likely made sometime shortly after that and prizes awarded shortly after those decisions are made, but there is nothing expressly stated about that on the website

Highlight: The automobile industry has come a far way from the first car in 1886 and has helped mankind upturn a crucial stone in our evolution over the years, such as world trade and market; yet, it is far from perfect and needs creative innovation. Are you ready to start the engine of your creativity? If so, Unigo CARID’s photo submission scholarship is your ticket to funding your higher education through an easy application! To be eligible for this photo submission scholarship, applicants must be between 16-20 years of age, enrolled in a post-secondary education institution for the following semester. All that is needed to apply for this photo submission scholarship is to submit a thought provoking photo inspired by any aspect of the automobile industry. Maybe it’s a picture demonstrating a comparison of old and new vehicles, to convey development? Maybe it’s a picture of automobiles as used for holiday travel? Maybe even something with RV’s or trucks  or racing cars? Or none of these! The creative control is in your hands.  Apply now! For this photo submission scholarship and win $1000 dollars towards your education!

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