Sponsoring Institution: Crimson Education

Type: Business Competition

Eligibility:  Age 13-18 high school student from around the world may participate as part of a team (or 2, 3, or 4 members)
You can either sign up with teammates, or find other teammates through the discord group chat  (found on the main website).

Application Deadline:   Probably better expressed with a timeline
October 1st- November 15th – Early bird registration
November 16th- December 31st — Regular registration period
Jan 1st – Jan 10th  Team Registration
Jan 6th- Jan 7th – 1st weekend bootcamp
Jan 13th- Jan 14th — 2n weekend bootcamp
Jan 15th – Regional Case Announcement
Jan 22nd — Regional Case Submission
Jan 28th — Regional Qualifiers Announcement
Feb 1st — Video Pitch Submmission
Feb 5th — Regional Winners
Feb 6th — Global Case Announcement
Feb 9th — Global Case Submission
Feb 10th — Global Case Live Pitch
Feb 15th — Global Winners Announced

Highlight: Are you aged 13-18 with a preference for business and economics? Are you also a strong team worker that likes to work alongside others to solve problems? Well then the Harvard Crimson Global Case Competition will be perfect for you to enhance and use all your problem solving skills to the maximum starting with the Regional Case phase of the team competition where you solve a hypothetical business problem with your teammates in 6 days. If your team is picked as a  regional qualifier, you will then be given 24 hours to present your solutions in a video pitch to a panel of judges. This competition being virtual, so there are no geographical barriers holding you back from entering! Even before the Case submission phase there are exclusive virtual webinars and workshops to assist Competitors in their preparation. Two teams from each region will then be invited to the global finals, where a similar process will take place and the top three teams will be recognized and awarded. There are 6 regional competitions that are judged and eventually one global final where each team will be competing for the $$ prizes and with one team earnig a chance to be placed to work at a top company. With just a small $10 entry cost per person in a team, this business competition just requires you and your problem-solving skills (don’t worry if you don’t have any background knowledge in business, you will be provided with an array of resources and support!) So find a few team members on the TGCC Facebook Group and start your journey to develop your skills and even win a prize! Reach out anytime  to hello@casecomp.org  for more info on this  year’s case competition and enjoy something that may be out of your comfort zone!

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