Sponsoring Institution: University of San Diego

Type: Innovation Challenge

Open to middle and high school students aged 13 and older, coordinated by educators or leaders of nonprofit organizations.

Application Deadline: Late December to early January with pitches due at the end of April.

Are you a teen who loves to be creative, inventive, and innovative? Then the Jacobs Teen Innovation Challenge could be perfect for you! An initiative by the Jacobs Institute for Innovation in Education at the University of San Diego, this innovation contest calls on middle and high school teenagers and teachers to join their mission of fostering local and global change by developing an innovator’s mindset and honing skills to solve real-world problems. Students participating in this innovation contest work through three phases of a design thinking curriculum using the Pactful app. Teams will then address issues aligned with the 17 United Nations Global Goals, commencing in a virtual pitch competition. The challenge is free to participate, with many awards up to $2000! Throughout participating in this innovation contest, students and teachers will have access to ongoing support and guidance in their journey to presenting their final pitch. So what are you waiting for? Make sure to learn more about the Jacobs Teen Innovation Contest and sign up or watch the information sessions today!

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