Sponsoring Institution: The Coolidge Foundation

Type: High performance academic scholarship

• Current Coolidge Scholarship applicants must intend to enrol full-time at an accredited U.S. college or university as an undergraduate for the first time in the fall of the year following the year of the application deadline: note that the application deadline is in January!
• Applicants must be citizens or legal permanent residents of the United States of America by the given year’s scholarship deadline.

Application Deadline: End of January

.Highlight: Are you an academically inclined high school junior starting to think about college options and expenses? Well then the Coolidge Scholarship should possibly be something to consider! As long as you are a US citizen or legal permanent resident of the United States of America by the 2022 scholarship deadline and intend to enrol full-time at an accredited U.S. college or university as an undergraduate for the first time once you do graduate, then you are eligible to apply for this full-ride scholarship. Yes. Full ride – meaning tuition, room and board, books and supplies, and associated academic fees! Beyond the citizen and grade level status, all you need to do to apply (beyond being pretty darn outstanding academically!) is fill out the application and submit two letters of reference.  Back to the “pretty darn outstanding part”: they are looking for candidates with a distinguishable academic record who  demonstrate uncommon academic depth and a passion for topic areas such as public policy and government supported by some related form of volunteering or club leadership. Let’s just say in this instance “More is definitely More”…meaning the more you have to offer, the stronger your application. If you are one of the accepted finalists, you will be contacted directly by phone in the beginning of June ( CONGRATULATIONS!) and you (and your parents) will be invited to attend Finalist Interview Weekend, which takes place in Woodstock, Vermont and historic Plymouth Notch, Vermont. Selection as a finalist is actually still a pretty big deal, since even  if you are not the full ride scholarship winner, you may still qualify as one of the one hundred Coolidge Senators Program scholarship winners. The number of scholarships awarded and amounts offered to recipients may vary year over year, but the important takeaway here is that there are multiple award opportunities. As Calvin Coolidge once said “We cannot do everything at once, but we can do something at once” so why not make your something applying for the Coolidge Scholarship!

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