Sponsoring Institution: Take A Pain Check Foundation

Type: Scholarship for students living with a diagnosis of a rheumatic disease

Canadian Residents/Permanent Citizens
Diagnosed with a Rheumatic Condition
Full-Time Undergraduate/Graduate Students in a Canadian University/College; STEM Preference
Academic Excellence
Making a Difference in the Community

Application Deadline:
Late January

Are you diagnosed with rheumatic disease and applying for higher education? If so apply to the Take a Pain Check Scholarship Now! The Take a Pain Check Scholarship is a unique financial aid opportunity designed to aid those with rheumatic disease. This scholarship stands out as it acknowledges the profound impact that rheumatic disease has had on those, as well as in the context of pursuing higher education. It not only offers financial support but also raises awareness about rheumatic disease and its effects on individuals and their families. This scholarship sends a powerful recognition that even through adversity and limitation, greatness can be achieved. The Take a Pain Check scholarship offers two awards both with the value of $2,500. To apply for the scholarship, you must be diagnosed with rheumatic disease, be a Canadian Resident or Permanent citizen, be a full-time undergraduate/graduate Student in a Canadian University/College, show academic excellence, and be making a difference in the community. More eligibility information can be found on their website. If you have any questions about the scholarship, you can contact info@takeapaincheck.com and see their frequently asked questions on their website. So if you plan on attending a Canadian college or trade school, apply now to the Take a Pain Check Scholarship!

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