Sponsoring Institution: Shore Scripts

Type: Short Film Contest

• Everyone…. though
• Each writer, or writing team, may not have earned more than $50,000 in screenwriting fees in the preceding 18 months

Highlight: “Cinema has no boundaries, it is a ribbon of dreams.” The Shore Scripts Short Film Fund provides you with the tools and funds to bring life to your characters! This short film fund offers an opportunity for emerging screenwriters and filmmakers to have their short films financed and produced, and create a calling card to help them progress in the industry as a writer or writer/director. The grand prize winner of this short film fund will receive a production grant of $15,000 along with free rental camera equipment, exposure to professionals in the industry and more. The second prize winner receives $1,000 along with other benefits. Other prizes are awarded to the top 15, more details on the various prizes here. The final deadline is late October however this short film fund has several deadlines for submission. You can skim through the timeline of this short film fund for more details! Not yet convinced? Why not take a look at their talented panel of judges and large industry roster for some insight? Feeling a bit overwhelmed? You can refer to their articles on screenwriting to learn the craft or take a look at the past winners’ careers and winning submissions for some inspiration! Still have questions? Go through the FAQ page or email them at contact@shorescripts.com. So what are you waiting for? Apply now and tie your cinematic ribbon of dreams!

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