Sponsoring Institution: Save the Frogs

Type: Art Contest

Eligibility:  Anyone can enter regardless of age, background, nationalities or skill level

Application Deadline:  Early November

Highlight:  Do you have an interest in art? Maybe you are a nature lover or have a unique love for frogs? If any of these things apply to you, take a look at this art contest. Not only will you win some money ($100), but you will also see your winning artwork published on the SAVE THE FROGS! website and across their social media. The art contest runs through November 1st and is open to all regardless of age, background, nationalities or skill level. This organization aims to help people become aware of the fact that amphibians are some of the most endangered species on this planet. By participating in this art contest, you are taking a step into a world of nature conservation and species endangerment. We think you’ll find this art contest quite RIBBET-ing- check it out and enter today!

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