Sponsoring Institution: Rosen Hagood Lawfirm

Type: Community Service Scholarship

Eligibility: You must be enrolled in a graduate or undergraduate degree program in the US (though certainly High school graduates or GED Holders with plans to attend a US program in the coming school year are also welcome to submit 🙂 . There is a minimum GPA requirement of 3.0 or higher. And then just strut your stuff: basically show that you have a strong commitment to community service both from the past and moving forward to the future!

Application Deadline: Beginning of August

Highlight: Are you a community or junior college, undergraduate or graduate student who is committed and passionate about their community work? Are you also enthusiastic in incorporating your community experience into your academic career? Well the Rosen Hagood Community Service Scholarship is awarding $1,000 to the student who best describes their experiences that demonstrate their commitment to community service and the  role that experience with community service has played and will play in their academic career, and this could be perfect for you! In just up to 750 words your essay describing your passion for your work experience could not only win you $1000 towards your advancements in your career but also highlight to you the importance of your community service to not only your life but to the lives you are impacting with your work! Booker T Washington once said “those who are happiest are the ones who do the most for others” and this essay scholarship gives you the opportunity to exemplify how your experience brings opportunities to not only the people you help but also to your academia! So Apply by August 1st 2021 and let the Rosen Hagood Community Service Scholarship possibly change your life a little just like you have helped change the lives of others!

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