Sponsoring Institution: Regeneron

Type: STEM research competition

Eligibility: High school (including homeschooled) seniors in the US and US citizens living abroad with independent STEM research projects eligible for this STEM research competition!

Application Deadline: Mid-November

Highlight: If you have successfully completed an independent STEM project, check out the Regeneron STS STEM research competition, where you have the chance to win a whole bunch of exciting awards! With plenty of help on the application process through FAQs, tips for projects, and video walkthroughs, this STEM research competition is one of the biggest events unique to high school seniors passionate about science and mathematics. All entrants selected for this STEM research competition receive some cool swag, including a one-year subscription to Science News magazine. 300 scholars will then be chosen during this STEM research competition to receive $2000 awards! And your school has a chance to win an additional $2000 for contributing towards the completion of your project! This STEM research competition then picks 40 lucky finalists to win $25,000 awards PLUS a week in Washington D.C, where they get to present their projects to thousands of people,connect with important government figures and various professional researchers!!! Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? There’s EVEN MORE! This STEM research competition finally selects 10 top award winners based on their presentations and interviews with a judging panel. These 10 winners receive awards ranging from $40,000 to a whopping $250,000! The Regeneron STS STEM research competition quite literally has an award for every step of the way!! 

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