Sponsoring Institution: Rattle

Type: Poetry Contest (longer work)

Open to writers of any age worldwide, although the poems should be in English. Note that there is a $25 dollar submission fee.

Application Deadline: Mid -January. Winners are announced in April.

Highlight: Have you ever wondered whether there were worldwide poetry scholarships open to high school students? Well the Rattle Chapbook Prize is one option that fits the bill. It is a poetry scholarship open to writers of all ages (so students, published writers, really anyone). As the title of the prize says, it’s about ‘chapbooks’. In case you’ve never heard of a chapbook before (like us), it’s a short publication that’s under 40 pages. In this case the chapbook is specifically around poetry, so applicants would submit 15-30 pages of poetry — this  could be one long poem or a collection of shorter poems. This contest is not specifically for high school students but encourages people of all ages to enter, and one of the prize winners is always a previously unpublished poet! This Chapbook poetry contest provides a fair, fun, and friendly way for anyone around the world to get the chance to win money, get published, and have their work seen by thousands of people. Although there is a submission fee of $25 per chapbook entry, there are 3 winners picked and the prizes are quite generous. Each winner receives $5000, 500 copies of their Chapbook and exposure to Rattle’s 8000+ subscribers online. With the deadline for this contest in mid January and with winners being announced in April, summer and fall are the perfect times to think about waxing poetic (for about 15-30 pages!) Take this opportunity to start writing or going through some of your old poems… Let the collection begin!

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