Sponsoring Institution: Devpost in association with Taskade, Hackathon (and 8 other companies listed on the site)

Type: Teen Business Competition

Eligibility: Anyone ages 14-18 in the world are eligible for this business competition

Application Deadline: Apply by March 13th for this business competition

Highlight: Are you looking for time worthy and rewarding opportunities to help you and your future career in business? Do you enjoy collaborating in a team and working on intensive projects? If all of this applies to you, the Pitch Teen Start Up Business Competition hosted by Devpost is the perfect fit! This business competition offers high school students (ages 14-18)– from around the world!!– the opportunity to collaborate in a team in order to develop elegant business models and strategies. Students will be randomly assigned to small teams of 2-4 where they are given a week to create a business plan. Although the end results and submissions are important in earning the business competition scholarship, this business competition also emphasizes the students’ teamwork and leadership skills. These are important and reflect the real world dependence on tremendous teamwork and collaboration skills in order to continue innovating. Students/ teams can be nominated for a plethora of awards in this competition, ranging from Best Business Potential to best UX Design. And prizes for this business competition scholarship aren’t monetary; instead winners are awarded with memberships and discounts to different apps and software programs that are relevant to their interest and project. This is an effort by organizers to create rewards that would help students to continue developing skills around their passion for business and the massive world of STEM, directly. So, take care of business by looking into an opportunity that is open to you at 14! Launch or join your Pitch Teen Start Up dream-team today!

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