Sponsoring Institution: Optimist International

Type: Essay Contest

The contest is open to US and Canadian contestants under the age of 19 as of October 1st
• There is no minimum age.
• Students must enter in the District in which they reside. U.S. students attending school on military installations outside the U.S. are eligible to enter in their last home of record.

Application Deadline: Early February

Highlight: Are you a student who wants the chance to share your opinion for a chance to win a college scholarship? Then the Optimist International Essay Contest could be perfect for you! This essay contest is open to students under 19 from the U.S, Mexico, or Canada! The 2022 essay prompt, “how does an optimistic mind change my tomorrow”, demands a unique outlet on what optimism means from students. Essays entered into this essay contest will be scored using 6 categories: organization, creativity, vocabulary, grammar, neatness, and adherence to contest rules. The process to enter this essay contest can be slightly confusing for newcomers but it becomes straightforward after reading more carefully. First, applicants must apply at a local optimist club (you can find one near you by sending an email to programs@optimist.org). The winning essay at each club will be sent to the district level. Finally, for what you’ve been waiting for, the awards! The winner at a club level will receive a medallion, the first place district winner for each district will win the $2500 college scholarship and a plaque to show their achievement. So, if this positive thinking essay contest catches your eye, then keep your head up and start finding a club near you!

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