Sponsoring Institution: Population Media Center

Type: Video Contest

Eligibility: High school seniors and college undergraduates who will be undergraduate students in the latter portion of 2021 or in 2022. Students from any country may enter.

Application Deadline: July 15 – annually

Highlight:Are you a  high school senior or college undergraduate that is fascinated by the rate the world’s population is growing each day? Are you worried about what this may mean for humanity and the strain it may cause for the planet? Then the One Planet, Many People video contest scholarship is perfect for you to gain the opportunity to research how the growth of the human population could cause problems for the world’s future, report on insights and perspectives, and even offer some solutions. This contest requires you to research the issues associated with the world’s population growing each day and condense your research into a short 60 second video that you would then upload to Youtube to be viewed for consideration for a scholarship award. There is not even just one prize to win! Four (yes 4) submissions will be selected for the top prize of $2000 each , and 12  others will be selected to win the not-so-shabby the runner-up prize of $1000! The faces of the planet change everyday due to the rapid population growth; use this world issue to change your future!  with these scholarships being sent directly to the undergraduate college at which you plan to study for any of your college expenses. It is said that “overconsumption is a greater problem than human population growth” … but is it? Take this opportunity to explore that question or another one that conveys your own research or project experience with how population growth could negatively impact the planet if we do not learn from each other.  Be the one to make the change for not only your future, but for the world’s future and submit your video by the 15th of July!

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