Sponsoring Institution: STEM Fellowship

Type: Data Challenge

Eligibility: Any current Canadian high school student or student who has graduated within 12 months of the application deadline

Application Deadline:  Registration Deadline: End of October annually (11:59 PM PST submission deadline) Project Submissions: Beginning of February


Are you a student that is looking for an ultimate national high school competition that can reward you as much as $1000? Are you also someone that takes data science and problem solving seriously? If that’s the case the National High School Big Data Challenge is the right high school competition for you. Students that are in high school or have graduated within 12 months of the registration date are eligible for this high school team challenge.The focus of the challenge changes from year to year but is always free and is always based on one of the UN sustainable development goals. This year’s competition involves initiatives that can bring greener energy to individuals and communities. Last year’s challenge involved looking at equity and equal access in the education system. Individual students or teams of up to 4 students enter and are challenged with an analysis of particular, provided data sets. Students get the opportunity to use the time between the November registration and the February project deadline to gather information and develop their skills by  attending workshops covering a variety of useful tools for data analysis (Data Visualization, Statistics and Programming) as well as meet with mentors, in order to create their project (“scientific manuscript”) to submit for the February deadline. Prizes range from $100 for third place, $250 for second place and $1000 for first place, but the real prize is the research project you will have completed to submit to the challenge. The deadline for this high school competition is by the end of October, so start looking for friends now! 

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