Sponsoring Institution: Council for Economic Education

Type: Economics Competition

Eligibility: Open to all high school students living in the United States

Application Deadline: Around late April but make sure to check your state deadline!

Highlight: Are you interested in economics? Whether that means macroeconomics, microeconomics, or the current state of our economy, the National Economics Challenge will interest you. Your teacher must register you and your team of fellow economically inclined peers. Through this economics competition, you will test your knowledge and skills of all things economics. Highly consider this economics competition because it is the only economics competition of its kind allowing any and all students in the United States to participate. While the economic interest, experience, and exposure of students varies a lot throughout the country, this economics competition provides a more level playing ground by separating the competition into two divisions: the David Ricardo Division (for new competitors who have taken no more than one economics course) and the Adam Smith Division (for returning competitors and AP/honors students). These 2 divisions encourage both participation and fair competition, meaning you can enter even if you’ve never taken a course in economics before!  This economics competition is structured in multiple rounds: the first round is a state economics competition that determines who will represent their state in this national economics competition; the second round is a 45-question online quiz. If you progress past the online quiz round, then congratulations! you’ve made it to the semi-finals! In this round you are asked to complete a virtual team case study.  And if you make it through the case study, then you are off to NY! The final round is a quiz bowl in New York City. Although the cost of travel and any tourist experiences are not covered, all hotel rooms and meals will be provided (SWEET!) . Also, if you do need some help covering the extra costs of the trip, there are some CEE affiliate organizations that may be offer to offer some assistance. Almost forgot to mention — there’s almost $2000 of total prize money up for grabs as well! Interested? Prepare for this competition with online resources or sample tests provided on their website. Register now and get set to compete!

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