Sponsoring Institution: NASA & Houston Cinema Arts 

Type: Video Contest 

Eligibility: Over 18 years old at the time of entry;  but don’t worry, if you’re under 18, your parents or guardians  can submit on your behalf

Application Deadline: Mid July 

Highlight: One of the biggest interests that students have in the world is their fascination with space. NASA, the biggest outer space program in the world, presents students with the NASA CineSpace Short Film contest to get everyone involved in getting further into space ! This video contest involves students’ opportunities to become filmmakers and put their filmmaking skills to use. Students can create a short film in any genre, including experimental, narrative, documentary, comedy, drama, animation, ambient, music videos, re-mix, sports, horror, and even underground films. The main requirements for this video contest are that the film must include at least 10% of NASA imagery from the NASA archives, and the total time for the video content must be no longer than 10 minutes. Check out past winners here for some inspiration! With the deadline in mid-July, anyone of any age can sign up for this video contest. However, if students are under the age of 18 a parent or guardian must apply on their behalf. Finalists and Winners of this video contest will be announced in October at the Annual Houston Cinema Arts Festival. You can win prizes of up to $10,000 USD, with two $4000 special awards for the film that depicts Unity and Inclusion and an education film that inspires the next generation in STEM. What’s more, some of the films will even be screened across schools, libraries, museums, and even on the International Space Station! So, if you are looking for an out of this world experience, now would seem to be the perfect time to make some space for space in your film education journey !

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