Sponsoring Institution: RGA Foundation, Lincoln Financial Group, FIS Sponsor, Rick and Beth Jones, Roy & Georgia Goldman

Type: Actuarial Competition

Eligibility: Senior or Junior United States high school students who have taken at least one of the following junior or senior level mathematics courses at the time of registration: statistics, calculus, pre-calculus, probability, mathematical modelling, or another similar mathematics course. Students must be attending US Colleges or Universities to be eligible for awards.

Application Deadline: Mid November

Highlight: Almost everyone has daydreamed about the future and your role in it. When you participate in the actuarial competition from The Actuarial Foundation, Modelling the Future Challenge, you can try your hand at predicting the future through math. At this actuarial competition, you can work in teams of up to five to make recommendations to real-life companies using real-world data and math. There are a variety of financial awards up for grabs for the competitors of this actuarial competition. There are three phases to this actuarial competition, beginning with evaluating your team’s abilities in things such as projecting trends, modelling data, and analyzing risks through a series of questions and proposals. In the second phase of the actuarial competition, you will be paired with an actuarial mentor to help improve your work. If you make it to the final stage, you will be invited to a live Symposium to meet with other students and present your proposal. This is an exciting and educational experience no matter how far you go in this actuarial competition. Gather your team, and register today!

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